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Slimy Grimy Granular

“For larger jobs it is easiest applied in a pump sprayer. Mix with water in a 1, 2 or 3 gallon” “sprayer and always work from the bottom and spray upwards. Brown algae stains on boat bottoms magically disappear while spraying. In some cases there is little or no scrubbing. Boat bottoms become showroom clean. Don’t work too hard. Spray away orange oxide stains on exterior surfaces. Again, always spray from the bottom upwards. In some areas Slimy Grimy will work overnight when applied on siding, roofs, shingles, etc. at dusk on a misty or damp night. Enhance the look and longevity of wood, stucco, brick, aluminum and all types of siding and shingles. White towels and clothing become white again with a little original Slimy Grimy in the wash (especially in areas where there is iron oxide in the water). Rust stains disappear to show the beauty of your environment.”

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Slimy Grimy Liquid

“Clean, brighten and dissolve slime & grime on almost anything. Slimy Grimy is a” “powerful cleaner for small jobs in and all around the home such as cleaning fiber glass showers, ceramic tile, porch and patio furniture, outside walls around the home, around the pool and hot tubs. Clean and freshen bathroom fixtures and prevent musty odors. Slimy Grimy is formulated to lift mild mold and mildew stains, rust on tools, cement, clothing and even rust on cars & trucks. If needed make a paste, for timely saturation, with Slimy Grimy and bon-ami. Easy to use, cleans and beautifies your world.”

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Bug Splatter Batter – 1 Minute Stain Remover

Discovered and formulated in the 1990s; tested and used, “Bug Splatter Batter” has proven to be a quick and easy way to clean bug splatter and spider droppings on boats, cars, trucks, RVs, airplane wings and propellers. Will not harm any finish and works fast (1 minute), easy to use and usually with one application. Everyone needs this one!

Shop For Big Splatter Batter

Greasy Grime “Cut the Grime” Amazing All Purpose Cleaner

Greasy Grime is Slimy Grimy’s newest product winning the award for many “all purpose” cleaning jobs everywhere that we all encounter. Try it for cleaning pet stains on carpet, hand prints on walls, freshen litter pans, clean baseboards, no-wax and tile floors, stainless steel, vinyl, baby trays and toys, plastic blinds, counter tops, fixtures, sports equipment and more. Test it everywhere there is a stain that seems impossible.

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Blazin’ Industrial Cleaner

Blazin’ industrial cleaner is excellent for cleaning and brightening all aluminum such as pontoons, etc., black streaks and oxidation on trailers, campers modular and mobile homes. Use Blazin’ on boats that are difficult to clean. Blazin’ can eliminate the oxidation buildup on aluminum siding, storm windows and doors. Blazin’ will dissolve the unsightly greenish brown algae stains and rust from boat bottoms, siding, brick walls and wooden fencing. This is a more aggressive “industrial” cleaner and, as for all products, should be tested on a small area before attacking the entire job.

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