Tick, tock, tick, tock … As the hours tick away on the year-that-was, many of us will start thinking about how we can make the next one better. What’s on your resolution list?
For us boaters, resolving to do things like “spend more time on the boat” are no-brainers, but why stop there? We scoured the Web for some of the best suggestions for boaters’ New Year’s resolutions, and here are a few of our favorites.
From Boating Lifestyle:
From Boating Magazine:
From Florida by Water:
From Carefree Boat Club:
From PropTalk:
From Power & Motoryacht:
Of course, our #1 suggestion for a New Year’s resolution is to keep your boat clean and happy … and we have just the products to help you do it.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!